*Those who move through big cities rarely experience silence. Today, the ringing of our cell phones, alarm bells, break bells and Zen apps set the pace in life, while the ringing of churches is barely noticeable in the noise of everyday life. The church bells - in the center of every town, every village, every person - have been the metronomes for centuries, according to whose rhythm life danced. *
The ringing of bells is deeply rooted in the soul of mankind, as their sound has accompanied and structured them since ancient times. In a time of upheaval, which the year '20 has heralded aggressively, Matthias Schriefl deliberately wants to devote himself to the powerful and varied sounds of different bells. In his compositions there will be a lot of rhythmic complexities to be heard, which characterize bells especially in Central Europe, but with a complex groove level underneath, which is hidden in every bell ringing in Central Europe. The overtones of the bells are made tangible, something that has always been felt, but has never been heard with such clarity. Often triads come out in a single bell. Thanks to the excellent line-up and instrumentation of this quartet, the colorful network of sounds is equalized and developed further. The pieces and melodies then morph from the transcriptions of the bells into extensive solos by the four musicians.
The program leads the audience from a pilgrimage church in his home village in South Bavaria, with only four harmonious bells, to gigantic peals, such as that of the Cologne Cathedral or the Konstanz Minster. If possible, the on-site bells are also integrated interactively.
Johannes Bär and Matthias Schriefl operate all brass instruments and alphorns in a variety of ways. Susanne Paul is an extremely versatile virtuoso on her five-sided cello. Sarah Büchi has an incredible flexibility and rhythmic versatility with her voice.
With profound compositions, the quartet revives the ancient symbol and ritual of ringing bells.