*“Tradition, innovation and an excessively over-boarding playing fun turn into a high quality and full of fantasy symbiosis.“* The RUTH-Jury
*Schriefl´s new multi-orchestra consists of 14 musicians and a multitude of instruments. The Band plays Matthias Schriefl’s new compositions which are in parts based on alpine and Alemannian folk music but also revealing elements of modern classic.*
It will be rather tight on stage. The multitude of instruments would be enough for an orchestra: kettle drums, two drum sets, brass instruments, a big selection of woodwind instruments, guitars, keyboards plus piano and a multitude of string instruments. Since many musicians are multi-instrumentalists, the individual pieces can be played in various arrangements. Maybe in one piece four tubas may be played while in another one a woodwind quintet or three strings may be heard. The band consists of many great soloists who in extensive solo performances are allowed to practically give their heart and soul. Also: not only one female singer, an entire men choir is also on stage.
*"Matthias Schriefl is the really great joker of Germany’s jazz community. He manages to entertain his audience on a high-tech level combined with great fun and enormous musical substance. The trumpet player, originated in the Upper Alp region, has recently set quite a few of his musical marks in his homeland"*
Jan Tengeler, DLF
Matthias Schriefl (tp, flh, horn, euph, tuba, alph, voice), Johannes Bär (tp, flh, trb, euph, tuba, sousa, alph, voice), Matthias Schwengler (tp, flh, euph), Johannes Lauer (tb, bflh, valve-bone), Barbara Ströbl (trb, b-trb, euph, acc, voc), Michl Engl (b-trb, euph, cimbasso, ophecleide, tubas), Peter Heidl (fl, picc, ts, as, cl), Florian Trübsbach (as, fl, cl, picc, schwegel, oboe, viola, zither, voice) Gregor Bürger (fag, bars, ts, cl, bcl), Simon Rummel (p, organ, viola, sounds, voice), Sebastian Merk (guitar, drums, keys), Alex Morsey (bass, tuba, sousa, voice), Bodek Janke (timpani, dr, perc, voice), Claudia Schwab (violin, voice, flgh)