Brazilian Motions

For every ear the matching groove, combined with flaming soli and an enormous amount of playing fun around South-American music themes. Plus accompanied with inspiring lyrics to sing along.
Line Up tracks 2 and 4 - 10:
Patricia Cruz (perc, voc), Nadine-Goussi Aguihgah (1 vl), Malina Mantcheva, Carolin Pook ( 2 vl) , Chiho Takata (viola), Petar Marinovic (cello), Hanno Busch (git), Robert Landfermann (double bass), Jens Düppe (dr, perc), Matthias Schriefl (tp, flh)
Line Ups Tracks 1,3 and 11:
Patricia Cruz (perc, voc), Bruno Müller (git), André de Cayrés (b), Rodrigo Villalón (dr), Tamara Lukasheva (mel,voc), Peter Heidl (fl), Xandi van Dijk (viola), Federico Aluffi (bassoon), Matthias Schriefl (tp, flh)
14.04.2015 life at ARTheater Cologne