“For Jazz it’s not a matter of what one plays but rather how one plays”, the genius pianist Bill Evans once said. Following this statement, Matthias Schriefl and Simon Rummel decided to discover the musical potential of the European music history.
Beginning with the German tenor song of the Renaissance (Heinrich Isaac, Ludwig Senfl) and the early drinking song of the Renaissance (Henning Dedekind - trink ich Wein, so verderb ich) over Baroque Madrigales, Chorals of various styles (Johann S. Bach, Johannes Brahms a.o.), dancing sets by Ludwig van Beethoven up to Alpine yodels and compositions of the 20th and 21st century of European and American tradition. The exceptional artists, Schriefl and Rummel re-process their “favorite works” into a pleasant new interpretation. Also presented are their own compositions. Experience fresh, young Jazz, here and there with some added flavor and a little touch of craziness.
Matthias Schriefl (trp, flgh, valve-buechel, tuba, alph, voc), Simon Rummel (org, other keys, vla, voc)
Duo Schriefl-Rummel