Life aus Wuppertal 28.März ´20 ab 20:30 Uhr
Konzert mit Vladimir Burckhardt life in Youtube ... mehr -
Ö1 23. März ´20 ab 8 Uhr
Konzertankündigung im Radiokulturhaus mit Interview Duo Schriefl/Bär ... mehr -
Teckbote 15.Februar ´20
So beeindruckend wie der Anblick der Bühne, auf der mehr als zwei Dutzend Instrumente aufgebaut waren, war die musikalische Bandbreite der Musiker ... mehr -
WDR Lokalzeit Bergisch Land 24.Feb.´20 ab 19.30 Uhr
Tipps & Termine ... mehr -
Times of New India 23. Januar ´20
Though he has visited Bengaluru several times, German musician Matthias Schriefl’s latest performance in the city, at Bangalore International Center, Domlur, was close to his heart ... mehr -
DT NEXT 13. Januar ´20
The word fusion is overused and outdated. In the current day, what musicians must try to do is bring the world together ... mehr -
Sabhash 11. Januar ´20
All arudhis with all their elaborations were played with equal finesse by Matthias as any of our instrumentalists belonging to our music could achieve ... mehr -
Times of India 10. Januar ´20
Indo-German band aims to break barriers via their music ... mehr -
The New Indian Express 10. Januar ´20
When I first played with a south Indian band, I just didn´t know what happened during the concert. It was just like as if my whole musical world collapsed and suddenly there stood in front of me a big wall that I couldn´t climb. I didn´t understood how the south Indian musicians managed to perform such heavy rhythmical sympocations. ... mehr -
The Hindu 8. Januar ´20
Yodels set to Carnatic music at The Amithias Project’s Indo-German performance ... mehr
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